Ask the government to implement broad climate education

Target: Minister/Secretary of State for Education

Our current education system isn’t preparing young people for the challenges ahead. Students aren’t being equipped to tackle climate breakdown and biodiversity loss, or taught to understand and work towards the solutions.

But we can change this. Nature, sustainability and climate change need to be taught across the curriculum, equipping future generations with the skills, knowledge, and passion to make a difference. Broad climate and nature education will empower every young person to contribute to a more resilient, sustainable society - one that values and protects the natural systems that underpin everything we do.

Read our vision page for more information about the asks below.

I want the Minister/Secretary of State for Education to ensure that all students are substantively taught about the climate emergency and ecological crisis, as well as the importance of preserving and connecting with the natural world.

I want sustainability, climate, and nature to be embedded across all subject areas, so that no matter what career paths students pursue, they feel both equipped and inspired to make a difference through their future jobs and lives.

I want vocational courses to include green and nature-focused skills, ensuring students are prepared for sustainable careers and industries that help build a greener future.

I want all educational buildings to be made climate and nature-friendly, including by rebuilding and retrofitting buildings, and creating spaces that foster connection with the natural world.

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Next step:

 Write to your rep 

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